A newsletter for Managers in Financial Services & Tech about getting effective and lasting results from a relaxed state of mind using the KUBA Pilot Strategy.

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Sandy Seeber-Quayle specializes in developing middle managers and creating effective thinking habits. With diplomas in Organizational Behavior, Coaching, and Training, she brings a lifelong passion for human behaviour and effective communication. Over her 20-year career, she has coached sales teams at Apple, trained managers at Aegon, and managed the operations and business development of a multi-million policy portfolio at CNP Santander Insurance. When she is not working, she enjoys the outdoors, photography, and creative writing.

If you are interested in her creative writing, you may want to check out Surprising Offspring here on Substack.

For more information about the KUBA Pilot Strategy, please visit www.kubapilot.com

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A newsletter for Managers in Financial Services & Tech about being more effective & less stressed.


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